We are all looking at ways to improve ourself, and our business regardless of how much we have achieved or grown. And whenever the topic of improving one’s business arises, so many things pop up like market research, SWOT analysis, data-driven business forecast, and so on. Plus there are so many resources out there on this subject. But hardly anyone talks about this crucial business enabler, and even if they do – they are only a handful. The business enabler I am talking about is – ‘psychometric assessments.’
Fortunately, some organizations – realizing the magic these psychometric assessments can create have made these tests a part and parcel of their business routine. Unlike other business processes and strategies, these tests can be used at any time, for any purpose in business. That is, they can be used for anything from recruitment to gaining a deeper understanding of your current workforce to developing leaders and dynamic teams and much more!
Simply put, psychometric tests are efficient, effective, and easily accessible. In other words, they can be easily set up and monitored online with easy access to the process and the test results that can help you make important business decisions. Now, let’s deep-dive and understand how psychometric assessments can help you scale your business.
3 Ways psychometric assessments can positively impact your business
In the following lines, we are going to cover these aspects in their entirety and learn more about them.
1. Helps in selecting and recruiting the right people
What makes your organization what it is now? Yes, it’s your people. People are the real drivers who can take your business to heights, or else can become the anchors – delaying your business’s journey towards reaching the desired destination.
So the key to your organization’s success is selecting and recruiting the right people. And just CVs, interviews, and background checks will not help you select the right candidate. As they say, hire for attitude as the skills can be taught – it’s extremely important to understand if the selected person’s personality matches the job role and most importantly if he/she has the required aptitude and can sync easily with your organization’s culture.
And do all of that – you need psychometric assessments. These tests can reveal if the person you selected is ideal for the job role and your organization. It will give you insights into the person’s personality that you would have never been able to get. And this valuable data will in turn help you make the right hiring decision, positioning your business for success.
In conclusion, psychometric assessments are the best candidate screening tool you can ever have. And the best part is, it not only ensures job-person fit but also cuts down your recruitment cost to a great extent.
2. Better training and onboarding of candidates
We all learn, receive, process, and understand information differently. While I may prefer to write and learn, some other people may hear and learn while some of them may want to see the information to be able to grasp it. In other words, some are visual learners, while others are auditory, some of them are kinesthetic learners, and while few of them are a combination of all three.
Likewise, the information processing style, motivation, and attention span of each one of us are different. Wouldn’t it be useful if you knew the learning style, processing style, attention span, and motivation level of your people before designing your training and onboarding program for new joiners and existing employees?
And this is where psychometric assessments can help you. There are different types of assessments that can help you understand how best your people learn, acquire new information, and make sense of complex data. The results you derive from these assessments can help you design training programs that will be more effective and efficient when compared to the ones done without using psychometric assessments.
3. Helps analyze gaps and take corrective measures
Psychometric assessments can do more than just help you hire the right people and train them effectively. They can help with so many things.
- Select the right people on a top-secret project team that guarantees success
- They can even help you create a balanced team throughout the organization based on each individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and personality style
- Help you determine the motivation level of your people, the area they lack motivation, and therefore, motivate people accordingly
- Identify the competencies of your people and train them on the required skills
- Determine the stress level of your employees and take corrective measures to avoid burnout
- Help you promote the right candidates
- Find out the leadership style, motivational drive, sociability, work-life balance, the stress-resistance capability of an individual and so much more!
Most importantly, it helps to understand your people from a 360 angle. And this, in turn, will help you understand gaps of any kind and therefore, come up with ways to close these gaps and improve your overall business.
In conclusion
People can either make or break your business. When you take care of your people, they will take care of your business. When you genuinely invest in their growth, they will do their best to grow your business. The idea is simple here: “Give and take.” Psychometric assessments are the fuel that can help you achieve this. It’s a win-win! These assessments will give the insights you need and take corrective measures so that you can help your people grow, be they in terms of helping them improve their skills or giving them the necessary support and guidance they need to excel in what they are doing.
Is your organization using psychometric assessments? Let us know what you feel about incorporating these assessments as a part of your business routine. Drop us a comment!